雅诗兰黛的double wear maximum cover高强双重粉底,与其说是粉底,不如说遮瑕膏贴切,号称具有魔鬼级别的遮瑕力,比普通Double wear强三倍,不管是痘印还是斑点double wear遮不住的,这款maximum都可以遮的几乎看不见!!自带SPF15,超强防水,持妆超级持久,控油极好,一天下来几乎没有脱妆感!而且用量非常少,一点点就可以,一支估计可以用很久
Double Wear Maximum Cover Camouflage Makeup for Face and Body SPF 15 camouflages most skin imperfections, including surgical and acne scars, tattoos, birthmarks, sun spots and varicose veins. With a soothing, liquid formula, this face and body makeup from Estée Lauder helps protect skin with SPF 15.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Maximum Cover Camouflage Makeup for Face and Body
$43.00 一般價格
增值税 未含 |
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