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香奈儿 5号低调奢华2015版 Chanel No 5 Eau Premiere (2015), 2015

前调:醛 依兰 橙花油
中调:茉莉 玫瑰
后调:香草 檀香木 香根草
调香师:Jacques Polge


  • 香奈儿今年为旗下最具传奇意味的香水N.5推出第七代更迭,这款2015年版CHANEL NO.5 EAU PREMIERE是对经典版更加轻快淡雅的改良,由香气大师Jacques Polge亲自监制,提炼了推出近百年的经典版5号香水中的核心要素,香气更加轻柔明快,适合年纪较轻的女性日常使用。该款在配方上与2007年推出的限量版N.5 Eau Premiere别无二致,前调以清新橙花、科摩罗群岛依兰和N.5 标志性的醛香开启,中调融合玫瑰精华和种植自香奈儿在格拉斯镇自有庄园的茉莉花,基调选取香根草、檀香木和香草成分,摒弃了原有的麝香、天竺薄荷、琥珀等原料,在保留女性气息的基础上少一分浓郁奢华,多一分清新浅淡。


N°5 Eau Première Spray



In 1921, Gabrielle Chanel asked Ernest Beaux to create “a woman’s perfume, a scent of a woman.” Beaux presented her with samples of a visionary composition that made unprecedented use of aldehydes. Mademoiselle chose the 5th and decided to name it, simply, N°5. In 2008, Jacques Polge, then the CHANEL perfumer, reinterpreted his predecessor’s radical creation by approaching N°5 from a new angle, revealing its hidden side: EAU PREMIÈRE, a light, airy, luminous version of the now and forever fragrance.


The voluptuousness of ylang-ylang from the Comoros blends into the harmonious and delicate facets of May rose and jasmine. Aldehydes grant the scent a unique presence, and the smooth touch of vanilla and musky notes creates an incredibly feminine sillage.

art of perfuming

N°5 EAU PREMIÈRE comes in a spray for easy application.

        CHANEL No. 5 Eau Premier

        庫存單位: 3145891053401
        價格自 $114.75
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